13-Times-Bigger than Jupiter Alien Planet Discovered by Indian Scientists

13-Times-Bigger than Jupiter Alien Planet Discovered by Indian Scientists

Scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, led by Professor Abhijit Chakraborty, have found the densest extraterrestrial planet, which is 13 times larger than Jupiter.

Details on 13-Times-Bigger than Jupiter Alien Planet Discovered by Indian Scientists

The scientists at PRL have discovered a third exoplanet. The journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters reported the study’s results.

The planet’s mass was precisely determined by a team of researchers from India, Germany, Switzerland, and the United States using the PRL Advanced Radial-velocity Abu-sky Search spectrograph (PARAS) at the Gurushikhar Observatory in Mt. Abu. The exoplanet is 14 g/cm3 in mass.

The group made important astronomical findings thanks to the innovative technique.

The recently discovered planets revolve around the sub-giant F-type star TOI-4603, which was discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). It is one of the few known huge giant planets with an extremely high density, according to scientists. It is a significant addition to the population of the less than five known objects in this mass range and is located in the region of transition between enormous giant planets and low-mass brown dwarfs.

The object, also known as TOI 4603b or HD 245134b, has been identified as a planet.

The planet is 731 light years away from Earth and does one complete rotation of its star every 7.24 days. The Earth is sweltering at a temperature of 1396 degrees Celsius.

According to the study, the planet has a temperature of 1,396 degrees Celsius and has a mass that is between 11 and 16 times that of Jupiter.

The exoplanet’s eccentricity value is roughly 0.3, suggesting that it is likely experiencing high-eccentricity tidal migration. According to a press statement from ISRO, the discovery of such systems offers important new information about the processes involved in the genesis, migration, and evolution of giant exoplanets.

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