17 years old school boy working as a research assistant with Tesla and NASA

17 years old school boy working as a research assistant with Tesla and NASA

17 years old school boy working as a research assistant with Tesla and NASA. Age is just a number, according to Durgapur, West Bengal resident and Class 11 student Aparup Roy. It is always preferable to look up at the stars rather than down at your feet, according to the young student. According to the Class Eleven student, if you are enthusiastic, “don’t let strain get to you”; instead, strive hard to realize your dreams.

A brief about 17 years old school boy working as a research assistant with Tesla and NASA:

Two books and three research papers have already been published by this 17-year-old who works with Tesla and NASA. Chemistry and mathematics are Aparup’s best friends. He had the chance to fall in love with these subjects at BYJU’S starting in Class 7.

He had such a strong interest in these topics that his diligence inspired him to create two books and three research articles under his name. Journals of a global reputation published the publications.

His research papers were published in the following journals:

  • Journal of Science and Research International
  • Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Sciences International
  • Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry

Problems in General Chemistry, Aparup’s debut book, was released in May 2021 for students getting ready for competitive and board exams. In August 2021, his second book, “Master ICSE Chemistry Semester,” was released.

His 17-year-passion old’s for chemistry and his desire to become a scientist drove him to endure the lockdown.

I conducted the salt in the water to conduct an electricity experiment a number of times while the school was under lockdown, and I found several fresh discoveries that I had never noticed previously. I sought assistance from a few MIT scientists for this, claims Aparup.

Additionally, he has investigated the production of mosquito deterrents from cow dung. Aparup thinks that commercially supplied insect repellents are unsafe and can lead to skin diseases.

He has more than two years of experience and is currently employed at TESLA as a research assistant. He has also served as a research assistant for NASA.

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