25% of Silicon Valley startups are headed by People of Indian Origin

25% of Silicon Valley startups are headed by People of Indian Origin

The Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram’s tenth convocation featured the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman as the special guest (IIITDM Kancheepuram).

Speaking at the event, Sitharaman emphasised that higher education in India has produced some of the top business leaders in the world, and that “people of Indian descent” control about 25% of all start-ups in Silicon Valley. “I want to emphasise the fact that India’s higher education has contributed to the best of company CEOs,” she continued. 11 such multinational firms employ 58 top-tier CEOs who are of Indian descent and education, with a combined revenue of over $1 trillion and a turnover of $4 trillion “.

In-depth details about the 25% of Silicon Valley startups are headed by People of Indian Origin:

Additionally, reports stated that FM said, “58 CEOs with educations from India overseen this range of firm enterprises. However, it does not negate the need for improvement in the educational system. To continue performing such feats, the system must be maintained. We are at a turning point where we can advance India.

Indians or persons of Indian ancestry run a large number of Silicon Valley businesses and startups. General Atomics’ Bhavesh Lal, Google’s Sundar Pichai, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, and many others. She added that many CEOs came from the Indian educational system.

Giving every young person the same chance would enable all 65% of the country’s young working population to contribute to India’s growth, regardless of gender or class. India has a far larger population of working age than China.

She said that although some of you might want to look for work, it’s not a scary world if you want to start your own business and employ people. You all have a chance to start your own businesses, despite potential health concerns, as CEOs from India are currently second only to those from the USA.

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