60% of IIT Bombay Student graduates took up jobs in Non Engineering Sectors

60% of IIT Bombay Student graduates took up jobs in Non Engineering Sectors

AA study by the IIT-Centre Bombay’s for Policy Studies has identified a concerning tendency that needs to be addressed before it develops into a deadly cancer. Over 60% of IIT-Bombay graduates who graduated between 2014 and 2018 took on more core occupations, according to the report.

A brief about 60% of IIT Bombay Student graduates took up jobs in Non Engineering Sectors

According to the report, core occupations are any that are associated with the students’ engineering field. For instance, an electrical or mechanical engineer may be hired by a chemical industry to repair machinery, but the work still necessitates the use of knowledge from those fields. Therefore, it will be seen as a primary task for them.

The survey found that, with the exception of computer science, engineering, and electrical engineering, this trend is present in all academic fields.

Higher incomes may not be the main element influencing students’ decisions, the report unequivocally concluded. Instead, it identifies additional elements that may be influencing the trend, such as “cultural difficulties” and the need to find employment “as soon as possible.”

The study raises important issues about why engineering education consumes so much time and money when students end up working in non-engineering industries. The conclusions are based on 2,109 students’ placement data, with 269 of these students providing replies to help identify the variables influencing their decisions.

lacking in real-world education The theoretical education that many engineering students in India get falls short of preparing them for the rigours of the profession.

Other important factors include bad faculty, inadequate infrastructure, intense competition, rigid curricula, a lack of opportunities for research, poor industry-academia interaction, brain drain, low salaries, corruption, and the proliferation of engineering institutes, which has diminished the credibility of engineering degrees.

Students are thereby deterred from choosing jobs that are a suitable fit for their particular skills, aptitudes, and interests. Sorry to sound alarmist, but our nation won’t be able to reach its full potential as long as this sad condition of affairs persists.

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