A 36-year-old user’s life is saved by the Apple Watch suffering from heart condition

A 36-year-old user's life is saved by the Apple Watch suffering from heart condition

Once another user’s life is saved by the Apple Watch. Undiagnosed heart disease claimed the life of a 36-year-old man, but the watch’s feature to detect abnormal heartbeats helped rescue him. An undiagnosed heart problem was revealed to a 36-year-old Flitwick, Bedfordshire, man by his Apple Watch, who credits it with saving his life. Adam Croft’s watch had been warning him all through the night that his heart was in atrial fibrillation, or AFib, which indicates that his heartbeat was irregular, according to the BBC.

Details on a 36-year-old user’s life is saved by the Apple Watch suffering from heart condition

As Croft got up from the couch one evening to grab some water, he “immediately felt the world closing in,” according to what he said to the publication. Then, he collapsed in a pool of icy sweat. He called the UK medical helpline, 111, the following morning after noticing the warnings on his watch, and the operator recommended him to get to the hospital right away.

Croft’s presence in AFib was confirmed by additional testing at Bedford Hospital. He asserted that if his Apple Watch had not alerted him, he would not have visited the hospital. The “small flutterings” of the heart that Croft had previously felt but that his watch had missed had not happened in months. Also, he had “never experienced any pain or symptoms I believed were worrisome.”

Croft is currently undergoing a cardioversion surgery, which uses “rapid, low-energy shocks to restore a regular cardiac rhythm,” after doctors put him on blood thinners.

Croft was cited as adding, “I’d never expect to use that feature.” “The watch will be staying on now,” he continued.

AFib is a condition of the heart where the heart beats excessively quickly or irregularly, increasing the risk of heart failure, stroke, and other problems. AFib is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and is frequently diagnosed without any symptoms.

The health features of Apple’s products, including the Apple Watch, have been improved. The business gained FDA approval in 2018 for their ECG app, which can identify AFib. Since then, Apple has kept incorporating additional health functions onto its products, such as fall detection and blood oxygen monitoring.

The use of wearable technology to identify health problems early and maybe save lives is highlighted by Croft’s experience. It’s feasible that more people will become aware of their health concerns through alerts from their smartphones as smartwatches and other wearables grow more widespread.

Finally, Adam Croft’s experience serves as a reminder of the significance of being conscious of our health and making good use of technology. Wearable technology has the potential to develop into a crucial tool for both individuals and healthcare professionals as it continues to advance.

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