A Man without having cell service Stranded in the snow successfully attached his phone to a drone to send a message for help

A Man without having cell service Stranded in the snow successfully attached his phone to a drone to send a message for help

In spite of not having cell phone service, a man in a remote part of Oregon who got his car buried in the snow managed to call for assistance in a creative method.

A brief about a Man without having cell service Stranded in the snow successfully attached his phone to a drone to send a message for help

According to Lane County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, he became stranded while travelling down a rural road in the Willamette National Forest, which is situated in the Cascades mountain range.

The search and rescue programme stated that the fact that his family was abroad and that no one knew where he had gone or who to contact in case he didn’t return home made matters worse.

But, the unnamed man suddenly realised he might be able to utilise the drone he was carrying to call for assistance. According to officials, he connected his smartphone to the drone and sent a text message requesting assistance and describing his location. He sent the message and then launched his drone “a few hundred feet into the air.”

The search and rescue organisation stated: “The additional elevation allowed his phone to connect to a tower & send the message, which resulted in our teams being deployed & getting him out of his position.

A second driver who had been trapped in the snow for “several days,” according to the authorities, was also found and saved during the man’s rescue.

The man’s inventiveness was praised by rescuers, and they said that he made the right choice by staying in his car.

Although it is rare for someone in Oregon to pass away from exposure while waiting to be found and saved, authorities noted that many tragic things have happened to people who choose to walk away.

They also advised people not to deviate from the plan and to let a trusted person know exactly where they were going and when they would be back.

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