A Russian court fines Google Rs. 384 crore million for monopolising the video market

A Russian court fines Google Rs. 384 crore million for monopolising the video market

A Russian court has ordered Google, an Alphabet company, to pay a fine of 4 billion roubles ($47 million) for disobeying a previous ruling on its alleged misuse of a dominating position in the market for video hosting. The judgement, which was made public by the nation’s anti-monopoly agency on Tuesday, is a component of Moscow’s growing initiatives to hold international technology corporations accountable by levying hefty fines.

In-depth details on a Russian court fines Google Rs. 384 crore million for monopolising the video market

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) first penalised Google 2 billion roubles in February 2022. According to reports from the TASS news agency, the FAS charged that Google’s YouTube platform took an arbitrary and biassed approach to suspending and restricting user accounts and content. Google, on the other hand, decided to contest this ruling, and the business hasn’t yet responded to the most recent sanction levied by the court.

The FAS used Google’s failure to pay the last fine, which doubled the amount owed, as justification for the increased penalty. The watchdog came to the conclusion that Google must contribute an additional 4 billion roubles to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Russian official institutions and politicians have exerted enormous pressure on YouTube, which has prohibited Russian state-funded media abroad. However, unlike other major social media platforms like Twitter and Meta’s Facebook and Instagram, the Russian government has refrained from entirely shutting the website.

Google stopped running internet advertisements in Ukraine when Russia invaded the nation in March 2022. Nevertheless, the business has kept on giving Russian users a few free services. When authorities seized its bank account, the Google company in Russia formally declared bankruptcy since it was unable to pay its staff and suppliers.

TASS reported that Google must make the fine payment within 60 days of the court’s decision.

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