According to Cred CEO Kunal Shah, 90% of humans could lose their jobs to AI in the next ten years

According to Cred CEO Kunal Shah, 90% of humans could lose their jobs to AI in the next ten years

More and more individuals are realizing the value of AI tools and learning how to use them in their daily lives as we move closer to the final months of 2023. AI seems to be slowly ingratiating itself into our life, whether it be through content marketers, authors, or corporate workers with strict deadlines. We can now achieve things we never could before thanks to technologies like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing, and businesses are also experimenting with their own AI chatbots. People still wonder whether AI will ever entirely replace them in the workforce, though.

Details on according to Cred CEO Kunal Shah, 90% of humans could lose their jobs to AI in the next ten years

A lot has already been said about this, and although some people think AI will actually affect the labor market, others are more hopeful and think it will merely make humans better at their jobs, never completely replacing them. However, Kunal Shah, CEO of Cred, falls into the first group and believes that AI poses a threat to about 90% of people’s occupations.

Shah recently claimed that at the time, we are not “realizing the risk of AI” in an interview with CNBC-TV18. In the next ten years, he remarked, he is convinced that 90% of people will lose their jobs.

“We are not aware of the risk posed by AI. I can say with certainty that 90% of those who are working today may not have relevant occupations in ten years, he remarked.

Now, some people have also asserted that they can maintain their employment by upskilling and becoming experts in the usage of AI. Shah, however, kind of disagrees. He believes that unless someone is a “very curious compounding person,” it will be “really challenging” for humans to upskill so quickly.

“Upskilling at this point will be extremely difficult. Everyone’s career is at jeopardy unless you are a very inquisitive compounder, he said.G20 Summit: Developing

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