According to LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky, India is LinkedIn’s fastest-growing market

India is LinkedIn's fastest-growing market

According to Ryan Roslansky, who took over as LinkedIn CEO in 2020, members in India are over-indexing on networking, messaging, job hunting, and learning compared to the rest of the globe, which is unusual.

He revealed that Python, SQL, Java, HTML, and C++ are the top five talents in demand by businesses in India.

In-depth details on according to LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky, India is LinkedIn’s fastest-growing market.

When looking for a job, where do you start? perhaps LinkedIn. A third social media business, LinkedIn, appears to be heading on the right path at a time when social media behemoths like Twitter, Facebook, and Snap are laying off massive numbers of workers as part of their cost-cutting initiatives.

The Microsoft-owned company has recently become the preferred destination for most laid-off workers. Employees who have been laid off use LinkedIn to share their side of the story and ask for any assistance in finding new jobs and prospects.

Due to the increased usage of the platform, India has overtaken China as LinkedIn’s fastest-growing market in terms of member growth and engagement.

Compared to two years earlier, India’s revenue has surged by 84 percent. According to CEO Ryan Roslansky, “something genuinely exceptional is occurring in India right now.”

According to Rozlansky, who took over as LinkedIn CEO in 2020, members in India are over-indexing on networking, messaging, job hunting, and learning compared to the rest of the globe, which is unusual.

When discussing the rising skills-based hiring strategy, Roslansky noted that financial analysts in India who maintain their skill sets current on their profiles got five times as many messages.

According to him, a record number of recruiters in India—more than 50%—include skills on their list of requirements while looking for applicants online.

He supports the requirement for talents by stating that a third of the abilities required for the position seven years ago have changed as of late. According to statistics, 30% of the abilities needed for a given job in India in 2015 and 2022 will have changed.

The good news is that employers and employees are already beginning to understand how important skills are, according to Roslansky.

Currently, recruiters in India send eight times as many messages to software engineers who maintain and upgrade their skills on LinkedIn.

Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in 2016 when it had revenues of roughly $3 billion. According to LinkedIn’s CEO, the business generated over $14 billion in revenue over the previous 12 months.

India’s Top 5 Skills in Demand

Rozlansky also noted that the 38,000 talents deemed to be most crucial in the LinkedIn graph of its more than 875 million users were compiled into a skills graph.

SQL, Java, HTML, C++, and Python are the top five skills in demand in India from employers across the member base.

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