An Irish Man Sues His Company For Paying Him Rs 1 Crore To Do ‘Nothing’

An Irish Man Sues His Company For Paying Him Rs 1 Crore

A railway worker in Dublin, Ireland, has filed a complaint against his superiors for failing to give him any work at the office despite receiving a salary of a whopping £105,000 (Rs. 1.03 crore). He asserts that as payback for raising questions about the railroads’ financial statements, he receives virtually little work from his employer.

A brief about an Irish Man Sues His Company For Paying Him Rs 1 Crore To Do ‘Nothing’:

Dermot Alastair Mills claims that once it came to light that he had voiced concerns about dubious accounting procedures at the company in 2014, he was ignored and given no work to perform, according to a report in The Daily Star.

Mills, a financial manager at Irish Rail, claims that after making a protected disclosure nine years ago, his duties were “hacked down to nothing” and that he now spends most of his workweek reading newspapers, eating sandwiches, and going for long walks.

“I purchase a lunch, The Times, and The Independent newspapers. I switch on my computer, enter my cubicle, and check my emails. There are no emails, texts, conversations, or coworker communications related to business, according to Mills.

“I eat my sandwich while reading the newspaper while sitting down. Then, if there are any emails that need an answer, I respond to them at 10.30 a.m. I perform the related job if there is any.

The individual received a raise at work in 2010 before suing his employer but regrettably had to take a three-month sick absence due to bullying.

But when he exposed questionable bookkeeping at his company, things became worse. The arrangement that indicated he would be given the same status, pay, and seniority as soon as the sick leave was over led him to return to work.

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