App-based Cabs and Bike services are prohibited by the government of Karnataka

App-based Cabs and Bike services are prohibited

The Karnataka state government has deemed Ola, Uber, and Rapido, as well as other app-based cab and bike aggregators, “illegal” and ordered them to stop providing auto services in Karnataka within the next three days. According to a report, the enterprises have received notifications from the state department of transportation.

Details on App-based Cabs and Bike services are prohibited by the government of Karnataka

The department’s warning stated that “auto services should be halted and not to charge customers more than the fare prescribed by the government.”

The companies have been given three days by the state government to submit their response and a compliance report.

The businesses demand a minimum of Rs 100 as fare even when the distance is under 2 kilometers, according to complaints made to the state government by a number of commuters. The auto drivers are permitted to charge a fixed rate of Rs 30 for the first 2 km and Rs 15 per km beyond that, in accordance with the regulations.

Additionally, the state police authorities stated that these businesses are ineligible to operate auto-rickshaws because the regulations are only applicable to taxis.

“The aggregators are providing autorickshaw services in violation of government regulations. Also, it has come to the notice of the department that customers are being charged higher rates than the rates fixed by the government,” Times Now cited T H M Kumar, the transport commissioner.

According to Times Now, the state government filed 292 lawsuits against the ride aggregators in September on behalf of the public for overcharging.

Local vehicle drivers in Bengaluru also intended to introduce their own mobile applications to compete with app-based aggregators. On November 1, the “Namma Yatri” app is anticipated to go live.

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