Babushaan movie ‘Daman’ to Hindi dubbing in Mumbai for release in all India 400-500 theatres

Babushaan movie 'Daman' to Hindi dubbing in Mumbai for release

Babushaan Mohanty, the leading man in Ollywood, flew to Mumbai on Friday to begin the dubbing of his newest movie, Daman, which is now doing quite well at the box office.

A brief about Babushaan movie ‘Daman’ to Hindi dubbing in Mumbai for release in all India 400-500 theatres:

The film, which centers on a doctor’s battle to eradicate malaria from the tribally predominate Malkangiri district, is receiving high praise throughout Odisha. The film has one of the top IMDb ratings in the Odia film business right now.

The movie, which debuted on November 4, is having great success both in Odisha and other states.

Daman, which will be one of the most adored Odia films to be remade and released in Hindi, is now breaking records.

At the airport in Bhubaneswar, Babushaan told the press, “I’m really thrilled and excited. I want to thank the entire audience, all Odia people, NROs, and everyone else who watched the movie and enjoyed it. They were instrumental in getting the movie to where it is now. They have aided in our presentation of our movie at the national level.

“I consider it an honor to represent our language and culture on a national level. All of this was made possible for the Odia people. The movie will be dubbed in Hindi. 400 to 500 theatres will screen the film, he continued.

Babushaan added, when asked about potential changes to the film to better suit the tastes of the Hindu audience, “The movie will be as it is. The music will only be included when the language has been dubbed into Hindi and will be chosen to suit the tastes of the Hindi audience. This is a significant turning point for us. This is a positive move for the movie business. We had only ever dreamed of it, and now it is coming true,” he said.

The biographical social drama film by Debi Prasad Lenka and Vishal Mourya, which was written and directed by them, depicts a doctor’s tenacious battle against superstition and struggle to raise tribal people’s awareness of malaria in inaccessible portions of the Malkangiri district.

The film is based on the real-life experiences of Malkangiri’s Dr. Omkar Hota, who helped save hundreds of lives there.

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