By 2030, AWS plans to invest $12.7 billion in India’s cloud infrastructure

AWS plans to invest $12.7 billion in India's cloud infrastructure

In order to address the rising demand for cloud services in the nation, Amazon Web Services (AWS) on Thursday announced plans to invest Rs 1,05,600 crore (USD 12.7 billion) in cloud infrastructure in India by 2030.

In-depth details about by 2030, AWS plans to invest $12.7 billion in India’s cloud infrastructure

According to a statement by Amazon’s cloud computing division AWS, the projected investment in data centre infrastructure in India will support an anticipated average of 1,31,700 full-time equivalent (FTE) employment in Indian enterprises each year.

The Indian data centre supply chain includes jobs in engineering, telecommunications, construction, facility maintenance, and other fields.

AWS stated in the statement that it would spend Rs 1,05,600 crore (USD 12.7 billion) on cloud infrastructure in India and further stated that its long-term commitment would amount to Rs 1,36,500 crore (USD 16.4 billion) by 2030.

This comes after AWS’ $3.7 billion (Rs 30,900 crore) investment between 2016 and 2022.

“This investment is estimated to contribute Rs 1,94,700 crore (USD 23.3 billion) to India’s total gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030,” the announcement read.

The local economy benefits from AWS’s investment in India in areas including workforce development, training and skilling opportunities, community involvement, and sustainability initiatives, according to AWS.

“@awscloud has a long history of supporting India’s development as a digital superpower, and I’m motivated to see how our infrastructure presence since 2016 has fueled such remarkable advancement. AWS CEO Adam Selipsky tweeted, “Today we’re announcing further planned investment of USD 12.7 billion for cloud infrastructure in India.

According to Selipsky, “that will bring our total investment to USD 16.4 billion by 2030 — boosting the country’s GDP, supporting tens of thousands of jobs, and continuing to help customers innovate.”

The AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region and the AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region, both established in November 2022 by AWS, respectively, have two data centre infrastructure regions in India.

The two AWS Regions are created to give Indian clients more choices for running workloads with even better resilience and availability, securely storing data in India, and providing end users with minimal latency, according to the statement.

Between 2016 and 2022, AWS invested more than Rs 30,900 crore in the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region. This covered all costs related to building, maintaining, and running the data centres in that area, both capital and operating expenses.

According to AWS estimates, it contributed more than Rs 38,200 crore (USD 4.6 billion) to India’s GDP overall between 2016 and 2022, and the investment supported close to 39,500 FTE positions yearly in Indian firms.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), stated that the rise of cloud computing and data centres in India is being driven by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambition for a “Digital India.”

Indian’s digital economy will be boosted by the most recent investment.

The minister stated, “MeitY is also developing a Cloud and Data Centre Policy to spur innovation, sustainability, and growth of India Cloud.”

The $1,05,600 crore investment by 2030, according to Puneet Chandok, head of commercial business for AWS India and South Asia, will “help create more beneficial ripple effects, supporting India on its path to becoming a global digital powerhouse.”

“Most of our investments to date have been in the Mumbai region. Accordingly, of the USD 3.7 billion we invested from 2016 to 2022, a large portion went to the Mumbai region. In November 2022, we officially opened the Hyderabad (area), an investment of about USD 4.4 billion. We are also launching local zones in India, and the remaining investment will be spread out between Hyderabad and Mumbai, Chandok said on the sidelines of the AWS Summit.

AWS reported that thousands of its customers in India use its services to run their workloads in order to save costs and speed up innovation.

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