Chinese Man Who Stole Rs. 1859 at a Petroleum Station and Hid for 14 Years Finally Surrenders

Chinese Man Who Stole Rs. 1859 at a Petroleum Station and Hid for 14 Years Finally Surrenders

For a Chinese man who was detained following a petrol station heist in which he took 156 yuan, things did not go smoothly (Rs 1,859). The man spent 14 years of his life in a mountain cave evading the authorities.

A brief about Chinese Man Who Stole Rs. 1859 at a Petroleum Station and Hid for 14 Years Finally Surrenders

In the Chinese province of Hubei, Enshi, a city, was the home of Liu Moufu’s village. When Moufu, his brother-in-law, and a fourth accomplice agreed to rob a gas station, he was in his 30s. The three men divided the remaining funds equally after the robbery, spending 60 yuan (Rs 715) on food and fireworks.

At the time, when the thieves parted their ways. They used to have 32 yuan (Rs 381) with each of them. Soon after, Moufu’s conspirators were apprehended by the police, and he was aware that he only had a short window of time before they arrived at his door.

Moufu made the decision to abandon the area and take refuge in a cave on a distant mountain. He probably had no clue that this cave would become his prison for the following 14 years, though. The Chinese man hunted and scavenged for food while he was hidden in the cave. He occasionally made the trip back to his hometown to meet people, steal veggies, and visit his family briefly.

Although it is still unknown if Moufu’s family was aware of his illness, they did make several attempts to get him to turn himself in to the authorities. Last month, Moufu made the decision to turn himself in to the police after 14 years.

Moufu revealed to the local media that he is now over 50 years old, his wife is not doing well, and he has even given birth to a grandson. He said, “I want to live a regular life.

It was revealed after he emerged from the cave that Moufu lived 10 kilometres away from the closest settlement of humans. Because robbery is seen as a serious crime in China, the man must still complete his sentence after surrendering. He would have to spend between three to ten years behind bars.

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