Elon Musk advises us not to worry about his alien friends as they are simply passing through

Elon Musk advises us not to worry about his alien friends as they are simply passing through

Reports of unexplained objects being shot down in American and Canadian airspace have been making headlines in recent days. The first such object to be shot down by the US was a Chinese balloon that was floating in their airspace. Then, less than a week later, an unidentified flying object was discovered off the coast of Alaska and shot down once more. “We’re calling this an object because that’s the best description we have right now,” stated a White House spokesperson.

In-depth details about Elon Musk advises us not to worry about his alien friends as they are simply passing through

Then, while flying over Canadian airspace, an unidentified cylindrical object was detected and shot down. President Justin Trudeau made the same announcement.

In the most recent development, a US warplane shot down yet another flying object on Sunday. The item was spotted above Lake Huron near the US-Canada border.

All of these instances are driving officials to be concerned about their safety and security. Tesla co-founder Elon Musk, on the other hand, claims that his ‘extraterrestrial pals’ are nothing to be concerned about.

Musk said in a tweet that the recent sightings are merely his alien friends paying a visit to the US and Canada.“Don’t worry, just some of my alien friends stopping by,” he wrote.

In another tweet, Musk expressed his hope that one day we would all be aliens visiting other worlds.

“Hopefully, one day we will be the aliens visiting other worlds,” he wrote this in response to a tweet regarding Tesla’s Optimus bots and Musk.

Musk has previously expressed interest in aliens and life on distant worlds. His words on wanting to “colonise Mars” are well known. Recently, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates took a shot at Musk, claiming that he would rather make vaccinations than travel to Mars.

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