Elon musk hires George Hotz a former iphone hacker as new intern for 12 weeks

Elon musk hires George Hotz a former iphone hacker as new intern for 12 weeks

For Twitter, Elon Musk has taken on a new intern. This new intern has a history with Tesla and was an iPhone hacker when he was a teenager, among other things. George Hotz, the intern, publicly penned a proposition to Elon Musk on Twitter. Musk gave a “Let’s talk” in response. The former iPhone hacker has now been granted an “internship” at Twitter and has been assigned a specific set of duties there.

A brief about Elon musk hires George Hotz a former iphone hacker as new intern for 12 weeks:

Hotz has taken on the challenging challenge of significantly enhancing Twitter search. In addition, he wants to do away with the pop-up that appears each time a person accesses Twitter without checking in. Hotz has accepted a 12-week deadline to complete these objectives.

Hotz has come under fire online for his relationship with Elon Musk and the significant changes the business magnate has been implementing since he took control of Twitter. In his reply, he identified himself as “an intern attempting to improve search.” He asked Twitterati to keep their opinions about Elon Musk & the new Twitter separate from his business.

Hotz stated: “The last tweet received some strange comments. Whatever opinions you have about Twitter and Elon are not about me; I’m just an intern trying to enhance search.”

He went on to say, “consider receiving feedback to be cool. I’m not looking for “free employment,” I just enjoy it. I’m here to study and get better!”

Musk replied to his message by wishing him a “Welcome to Twitter!” Even Musk has been receiving criticism from the media for the choices he has made since taking control.

Musk is familiar with Hotz. Hotz had sought to cooperate with Tesla, but because Musk kept altering the arrangement, he missed the chance. It is unexpected that Hotz has accepted an internship at Twitter. Despite his status, he has been given the crucial assignment of enhancing platform search.

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