Elon Musk said employees of Twitter to print out their code for review

Elon Musk said employees of Twitter to print out their code for review

The new Twitter CEO is Elon Musk. Musk requested Twitter’s developers to print out their code on the first day so he could evaluate it. According to sources, Musk has requested that the employees demonstrate any recent software they have written. It was also requested that the engineers print their code. As soon as Musk became CEO of Twitter, executives Parag Agrawal, Vijaya Gadde, and Nel Segal were sacked. The CEO of Tesla wants to work humanity and create a “free” zone on Twitter.

A brief about Elon Musk said employees of Twitter to print out their code for review:

Several Tesla engineers were summoned to Twitter’s San Francisco offices, according to Bloomberg News. The Tesla engineers were anticipating seeing the Twitter product developers’ code. To “evaluate & convey to Musk what the company requires,” the developers were asked to display the code.

In order to prevent tampering, the Twitter code was frozen when the purchase was finalized, according to the article. When the agreement to acquire Twitter was first disclosed, the same event occurred. Representatives from Twitter declined to comment on Musk’s latest move.

Musk was made fun of on Twitter for having Tesla engineers go over Twitter developers’ code. In response to a user’s criticism of Musk’s new plan, they commented, “Imagine some random automotive engineer staring through the potentially millions of lines of code for a few hours then having to bluff to their really dumb employer that it all looks great.”

Musk, who has opposed removing people from the network, stated that he will shortly lift the ban. He had previously criticized the company’s chief policy maker, Vijaya Gadde, for playing a key role in the former US President’s removal from the site.

A Twitter user recently tagged Elon Musk in a message asking him to unban her father, who had allegedly been suspended for breaking Twitter’s rules. “Anyone suspended for small and spurious grounds will be released from Twitter jail,” he stated in response. When he acquired Twitter, Musk tweeted in a mysterious manner that “the bird is liberated.” He was extremely critical of Twitter’s leadership for muzzling user voices.

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