Elon Musk tweets quips like “Don’t even trust anybody” in response to concerns over the Wagner Group’s Russian mutiny

Elon Musk tweets quips like "Don't even trust anybody" in response to concerns over the Wagner Group's Russian mutiny

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Twitter, recently chimed in on the debate about the deteriorating security situation in Russia, where a mutiny led by the Wagner mercenary group has taken root. Musk tweeted a meme that appeared to express his anxiety about the issue as it developed, mirroring the worry expressed by Western capitals over the country’s ongoing instability and the rising prospect of a civil war in this nuclear-armed country.

In-depth details about Elon Musk tweets quips like “Don’t even trust anybody” in response to concerns over the Wagner Group’s Russian mutiny

In Musk’s tweet, there was a split image: the top half showed a female peacefully sleeping with the comment, “How do girls sleep?” The lower part, in dramatic contrast, featured a sleep-deprived man with bloodshot eyes, along with the statement, “How do boys sleep? – Not at all. They are keeping an eye on the Wagner Coup situation. Musk skillfully illustrated the point that the situation necessitates alertness and attention by using humour and images.

Musk also posted another meme with the message, “Don’t even trust nobody.”

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner mercenary squad, was previously so close to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he was given the nickname “Putin’s chef.” Putin pledged in a national address to take “decisive action” in reaction to the “armed mutiny” carried out by Prigozhin’s forces, who are purportedly in possession of a key city and moving closer to Moscow.

Putin denounced the Wagner Group’s actions as treacherous, but Prigozhin retaliated angrily in an audio message, saying that neither he nor his soldiers intended to submit. He proclaimed their patriotism, denied the treason charges, and rejected the notion of cooperating with the president’s or the Federal Security Service’s (FSB) demands.

Leaders from Europe to the United States have voiced their concerns as the globe closely monitors the progress of the situation. In its daily intelligence update, the British Ministry of Defence referred to this situation as “the most significant challenge,” highlighting the crucial role that Russia’s security forces’ loyalty, notably the Russian National Guard, will play in determining the outcome. The movement of additional Wagner troops through Voronezh Oblast to the north, which suggested a possible goal of reaching Moscow, was also underlined in the report.

The brewing crisis in Russia continues to terrify the world community, which is waiting for further developments. The world waits anxiously, concerned about the possible repercussions and impact on international security as the nation’s uncertain future hangs in the balance.

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