First ‘flying motorcycle’ in the world goes on sale for $500000

First 'flying motorcycle' in the world goes on sale for $500000

A new form of transportation dubbed the “world’s first flying bike” has been formally unveiled in Japan, with a price tag of roughly $555,000 online, according to the manufacturer’s website.

Details on First ‘flying motorcycle’ in the world goes on sale for $500000

The 12-foot-long XTURISMO “luxury air cruiser” was created by the aircraft manufacturer AERWINS and was based on the “Star Wars” universe.

The 228-horsepower, gas-powered Kawasaki motor that powers the 661-pound, 2023 Edison Award finalist vehicle’s two sizable central rotors is intended to provide the vehicle’s power.

Four fans on the vehicle’s outer borders provide stability for the ride and receive additional power from an electrical battery.

The bike, which has been dubbed “a manifestation of the dream of air mobility,” is said to be capable of reaching speeds of 50 to 62 miles per hour.

Imagine a world in which people have complete control over the skies. This is “bringing science fiction to life. Life would undoubtedly be more liberated, according to the official definition. “Expand your perspectives on mobility, travel the globe in a way you’ve never done it before. This is why we developed XTURISMO. A fresh journey starts.

The Galactic Empire deployed speeder bikes to pursue Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) through the forests on the planet of Endor in the sixth film in the series, 1983’s “Return of the Jedi.” The bike looks a lot like those bikes.

AERWINS announced the global release of the XTURISMO Limited Edition in June 2022 at the Top Marques Monaco conference, and brand representatives claimed that the car’s appearance at the Detroit Auto Show in September was well received globally. They added that they are “currently receiving orders and inquiries from all over the world.”

Unfortunately, “Star Wars” enthusiasts and anyone eager to embark on their own chase will be disappointed to learn that flying bikes are presently only offered in Japan, and they can only be tested out over a confined race track.

In a promotional film for the XTURISMO Limited Edition, the car is seen gliding above Lake Yamanaka’s waters with Japan’s famous Mt. Fuji in the distance.

According to a statement from the company’s representatives, “by publishing this video, it is our hope that viewers will be moved by the natural beauty of Yamanashi and feel the anticipation and excitement of the future mobility which can be achieved through our technological capabilities.”

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