For the first time in history, an AI robot will defend a person in court

an AI robot will defend a person in court

If the year 2022 was considered the year of AI with the introduction of ChatGPT, Dall-E, and Google’s AI LaMDA, then 2023 will not be far behind. Artificial Intelligence-based applications have progressively begun to integrate into our lives, and the day is not far away when they will become an indispensable part of our life.

A brief about for the first time in history, an AI robot will defend a person in court

According to reports, the AI robot will defend a human in court next month. This is the first time in human history that a robot would participate in a legal proceeding. According to media sources, in February, an AI from DoNotPay would assist a defendant in court by directing him what to say and when during the proceedings. The defendant will launch the DoNotPay app, and the robot will list all of the arguments in court.

The business behind the DonNotPay app, on the other hand, has kept the location of the court and the defendant hidden.

DoNotPay, launched in 2015 by British-American entrepreneur Joshua Browder, is a legal services chatbot that gives individuals legal advice, assists them in writing legal letters, and suggests tips for any legal situation. It is referred to as the world’s first robot lawyer, and it will begin providing AI-based legal advice in 2021.

The company will take part in live court proceedings, with the app DoNotPay advising the defendant on what to say and when during the entire hearing. The AI chat bot will launch on the defendant’s smartphone in court and listen in on all proceedings.

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