‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton leaves Google and issues a warning about job losses and other risks

'Godfather of AI' Geoffrey Hinton leaves Google and issues a warning about job losses and other risks

The man dubbed “the Godfather of A.I.”, Geoffrey Hinton, has resigned his position at Google. This shift represents a critical turning point in the advancement of AI, as Hinton is joining forces with other detractors to raise awareness of the possible risks associated with AI, according to a New York Times report. 

In-depth details about ‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton leaves Google and issues a warning about job losses and other risks

The pioneer of artificial intelligence laid the theoretical groundwork for the AI systems that drive modern chatbots like ChatGPT. He was one of the most esteemed experts in the field and has over ten years of experience working with Google.

Hinton claimed in an interview with The Times that he left his position at Google so that he could talk openly about the dangers of AI. He acknowledged that he had certain regrets over his life’s job. He argues that it is difficult to see how any of us can stop malicious actors from exploiting AI for negative ends.

Hinton clarified Google’s position on the advancement of AI. The technology’s creator said in a tweet that he did not leave Google in order to critique it, but rather to talk openly about the risks of AI without affecting Google. He asserted that Google acted “very responsibly”. 

“In the NYT today, Cade Metz implies that I left Google so that I could criticise Google,” he wrote in a tweet. Actually, I departed so that I could discuss the risks of AI without taking into account how this affects Google. Google acted in a very responsible manner.

In the history of deep learning, AI, and its advancement, Hinton’s change represents a significant turning point. He was a leading thinker in the field of AI. He played a significant role in the development of AI-driven applications including speech recognition and computer vision. Hinton and two other researchers shared the 2018 “Nobel Prize of Computing” honour. 

The world has seen a rapid increase in AI’s capabilities after the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, despite the fact that it has been studied and developed since the turn of the century. Hinton did not join the petition calling for a halt to AI development, but he agrees that safeguards are necessary before creating more intelligent AI. 

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