Harvard researchers assert they have discovered a chemical cocktail that slows the aging process

Harvard researchers assert they have discovered a chemical cocktail that slows the aging process

According to the New York Post, Harvard researchers have found a mixture of medications that could be blended into a tablet to slow the effects of aging. On July 12th, the researchers’ paper, titled “Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging,” was released in the journal Aging.

Details on Harvard researchers assert they have discovered a chemical cocktail that slows the aging process

The team found six chemical concoctions that “by several years” turned back the hands of time in mouse and human skin cells.

The similar explanation was provided by Harvard researcher David Sinclair in a Twitter thread, where he wrote, “Grateful to share our latest publication: We’ve previously shown age reversal is possible using gene therapy to turn on embryonic genes.” Now that we’ve demonstrated it through chemical mixtures, we can move closer to obtaining inexpensive whole-body rejuvenation.

Notably, each chemical cocktail contains five to seven different substances, many of which are well-known for treating various physical and mental illnesses. He stated that the search for chemicals that together could stop cellular aging and rejuvenate human cells took him and his Harvard Medical School team more than three years.

The researcher said on Twitter, “Studies on the optic nerve, brain tissue, kidney, and muscle have shown promising results, with improved vision and prolonged lifespan in mice and, most recently, in April of this year, improved vision in monkeys.” 

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“Preparations for human clinical trials of our first age reversal gene therapy are ongoing,” Mr. Sinclair said, adding that the first human clinical studies are now planned to “begin late next year,” providing “all goes well.”

A Harvard professor and other researchers have cautioned that the study is “mostly hype and preliminary.” 

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