In the midst of layoffs, Google employees have five demands for Sundar Pichai

Google employees have five demands for Sundar Pichai

Up to 12,000 employees were recently let go by Google, and several employees are dissatisfied with how the business handled the layoffs. Many laid-off workers have previously expressed their disappointment and uncertainty about the situation. Employees at Google have now requested five things from the corporation in an open letter to CEO Sundar Pichai.

Details about In the midst of layoffs, Google employees have five demands for Sundar Pichai

People are now asking Google, which was once praised for its positive workplace culture and attention to its workers, to respect their allocated vacation days, their dignity, and to behave honorably. The employees demanded in the letter that the IT company handle layoffs humanely and refrain from using unethical methods even during trying circumstances.

Five demands are highlighted in the letter. The Google staff wants the business to help the laid-off workers find employment either within or externally and to halt new hiring practices during the layoff process. The workers, who come from nations going through war or humanitarian crises, need assurance that they will be shielded from the effects of the layoffs. People want Google to respect employees’ right to take time off on schedule and to avoid treating them unfairly when they are laid off.

Here is a glance at the letter with a list of demands that was submitted to Sundar Pichai.

The personnel reduction decision by Alphabet has global repercussions. Workers’ voices have not been sufficiently taken into account anywhere, and we are aware that our collective strength is greater than our individual one. As a result, we are banding together globally to make our voices heard.

We are specifically requesting the public pledges listed below from you:

1) During the layoff procedure, freeze all new hires. Prior to implementing mandatory layoffs, request voluntary working time reductions and redundancies. To further prevent forced layoffs, permit employee “swaps”.

2) Give recent layoffs at Alphabet first priority when being rehired. Prioritize choices for internal transfers, prioritised access to positions without a second interview, and decide on a just severance package.

3) Safeguard our coworkers from nations where there are ongoing hostilities or humanitarian catastrophes (such as Ukraine, Russia, etc). Avoid terminating employment when it would have a negative impact on visas since doing so would force workers to return to unrest-prone or dangerous nations. Provide these individuals and workers who face losing their work permits additional support, including assistance with internal and external job searches and sufficient gardening leave. 

4) Be considerate of scheduled leaves (maternity, bonding with your baby, caregiver’s, and bereavement) and wait to give notice until the leave is over. Those who get notice will be informed personally and given the chance to say goodbye to their coworkers.

5) Be sure there won’t be any discriminatory consequences based on handicap, veteran status, caste, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or race or ethnicity.

We request that you, as well as all of Alphabet, publicly commit to these important actions. These promises will demonstrate Alphabet’s adherence to the last line of its Code of Conduct: Don’t Be Evil. Our company has long bragged about its dedication to upholding the rights of its customers and employees.

We are certain that you have the resources and capacity to complete this.

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