Instagram is getting generative AI-powered picture editing

Instagram is getting generative AI-powered picture editing

The promise made by Meta to incorporate generative AI into all of its products is being kept. New AI-driven Instagram image editing and sticker-creation features were announced at the company’s Connect event.

Details on Instagram is getting generative AI-powered picture editing

One of these technologies, dubbed “restyle,” is similar to a cutting-edge generative AI filter. It gives users the ability to change the visual aesthetic of their existing images. Users can specify the intended aesthetic of their image by typing descriptors like “watercolor” or providing specific suggestions like “collage from magazines and newspapers with torn edges.”

Meta also unveiled a brand-new tool dubbed “backdrop,” which uses generative AI to serve as a virtual green screen. Place me in front of a mesmerizing aurora borealis, for example, can be entered by users, and the application will create an image with that background. Restyle and backdrop on Instagram weren’t given a specific release date by Meta, but the company did promise users that they would be made accessible “soon.”

Posts made with backdrop and restyle will have labels highlighting their usage of AI, preventing them from being mistaken for human-generated content, according to Meta, in order to reduce any confusion. Although the precise design of these labels was not made public, it is important to note that Instagram has previously shown information screens with the statement “image generated by Meta AI.”

Additionally, Meta displayed fresh AI-generated stickers that can be used on Facebook Stories, WhatsApp, Messenger, and other platforms in addition to Instagram. By using language prompts, this tool lets users to quickly create customized stickers for their discussions and Stories. Within the following month, Meta stated that these stickers would be gradually made available to “selected English-language users” of its apps.

These updates are in line with Mark Zuckerberg’s repeated promises that generative AI capabilities will be incorporated into all applications owned by Meta. More than 25 generative AI chatbots, some of which are modeled on real-life inventors and celebrities, were also unveiled by Meta.

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