NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, claims nothing can beat the human mind and is not worried about ChatGPT

NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, claims nothing can beat the human mind and is not worried about ChatGPT

The world was exposed to OpenAI’s revolutionary creation, ChatGPT, in November 2022. The AI chatbot quickly gained popularity, and users began using it to generate essays, poems, and other types of material. In the end, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4, a superior iteration of ChatGPT with expanded features. We have a new technology, which is undoubtedly exciting, on one hand. At the same time, though, there are certain issues with it. One of these worries is the possibility of AI taking jobs from people.  

A brief about NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, claims nothing can beat the human mind and is not worried about ChatGPT

Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy clearly belongs to the former category as he is not concerned about ChatGPT at all and says that ‘nothing can beat the human mind’.

When alluding to AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Narayana Murthy stated in an interview with CNBC that “Nothing can beat the human mind.”

“I really believe that the human mind is the most potent machine for imaginative thought. Nothing can surpass the power of the human mind, he reportedly said.

The founder of Infosys went on to elucidate, saying that human minds are what distinguish one person from another. Thus, despite the fact that we all have access to the same ChatGPT, we will each use it in a unique way.

The professors will be far more impressed with you than with me at that point, according to Murthy, if you and I were to compete. You would utilise the ChatGPT output as your starting point and then add your own distinction, cleverness, and modifying. The slackers will receive a C. Only intelligent people will earn an A. As a result, I am less concerned about ChatGPT.

Earlier, NR Narayana Murthy stated that humans will not allow AI to replace them in the workforce at the 67th Foundation Day of the All India Management Association (AIMA) in February.

According to Murthy, who was quoted in a Business Today article, “I think there is a mistaken belief that artificial intelligence will replace human beings, human beings will not allow artificial intelligence to replace them.”

The human intellect is always one step ahead and can master any technology, according to Narayana Murthy, who made a similar statement about it back in February.

“The mind is the most adaptable tool that has ever been in this universe or on this earth. Additionally, it aspires to ever higher goals. Therefore, it makes no difference what technology you develop. He had claimed back then that “the human being, the human mind is always a step ahead and becomes the master of that technology.

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