Open AI tool that recognises ChatGPT-written text thinks the Bible was authored by AI

Open AI tool that recognises ChatGPT-written text thinks the Bible was authored by AI

The business, ChatGPT, has now unveiled a brand-new tool for identifying material produced by AI. The programme was released a few weeks after many people, including teachers and academics, expressed alarm about the rise in texts and essays written by artificial intelligence. The AI Text Classifier tool seeks to determine if a piece of writing is the product of human intellect or the work of a clever AI. The programme is unfortunately far from perfect because it currently classifies a wide variety of literature, including the Bible, as “potentially AI-generated.”

A brief about Open AI tool that recognises ChatGPT-written text thinks the Bible was authored by AI:

You can either find the AI Text Classifier’s evaluation of the Bible to be positive or negative depending on how you choose to look at it. The bad news is, of course, evident. After reading about similar attempts from some Twitter users, we fed passages from Genesis 1 of the Bible into the Open AI tool, and soon the evaluation appeared. “The classifier deems the text to be probably AI-generated,” the AI chatbot stated.

The conclusion from the AI assessment that is a plus is that it also shows that the Bible is not only human beings’ word. It had to be divine, then. If you believe the AI Text Classifier, that is.

The creation of the Earth and the world is discussed in Genesis 1. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” is the first line of the passage.

In discussing the new tool, OpenAI stated, “We want to encourage discussion on the differences between content that is written by humans and content that is produced by AI by using the AI Text Classifier. When determining whether a paper was produced using AI, the results may be helpful, but they shouldn’t be the only source of information. The human-written material used to train the model came from a range of sources, thus it might not be an accurate representation of all human-written text.”

Educators are having it tough with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which had nearly a million users just five days after it began. There have been cases of students duplicating coursework from ChatGPT, according to academics and teachers. Teachers worry that the new AI chatbot would limit kids’ inventiveness and make them dependent on technology. The use of the AI Chatbot has been prohibited at some institutions and schools. The first university in India to forbid ChatGPT use was Bengaluru University.

According to a story in the Hindustan Times, the university has prohibited not only ChatGPT but also other AI-based applications like GitHub Co-pilot and Black Box. We have prohibited a few AI tools, like ChatGPT, and sent a warning to all university departments since students might use them to finish their tasks or take tests. The restriction is already in effect, according to a reported official.

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