Pentagon loses to Surat bourse as the biggest office building in the world

Pentagon loses to Surat bourse as the biggest office building in the world

Surat in Gujarat, the nation’s gem center, now has a unique structure to house its enormous industry. For more than 65,000 diamond professionals, including cutters, polishers, and traders, the freshly built Surat Diamond Bourse in the city is promoted as a “one-stop destination”.

Details on Pentagon loses to Surat bourse as the biggest office building in the world

According to a CNN story, it is anticipated to overtake the Pentagon as the largest office building in the world with more than 7.1 million square feet of floor space. The bourse, a spectacular 15-story complex covering over 35 acres, has a distinctive layout of nine connected rectangular buildings that branch out from a central “spine.”

The project is scheduled to welcome its first tenants in November after four years of construction work, which was hampered in part by Covid-related delays. According to reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the ceremonial launch later this year.

More than 4,700 office spaces, which may also be used as tiny workshops for cutting and polishing diamonds, are available at the bourse. 131 elevators, restaurants, retail, wellness, and conference spaces are also included in the plan.

Mahesh Gadhavi, the project’s CEO, highlighted the benefits of the Surat Diamond Bourse and how it will prevent thousands of people from making the daily commute by train to Mumbai for business purposes, according to a CNN article. He said it was a “better option” to move the operations to Surat.

The Indian architectural firm Morphogenesis was in charge of planning the development of the Surat Diamond Bourse. According to the article, the project’s size was set by demand, and diamond businesses bought every office before building even started.

Sonali Rastogi, a co-founder of Morphogenesis, told the publication that no office should require more than seven minutes to go to from any entry gate in order to maintain equal accessibility for all residents.

The promotion of the import, export, and trading of diamonds, jewels, and jewelry from India is the stated goal of the Surat Diamond Bourse, according to its official website. It intends to give organizations involved in diamond manufacture and selling cutting-edge infrastructure. Also included in its objectives are the promotion, advancement, protection, and development of trade, commerce, and industry in the cutting, polishing, and processing of gems and jewelry.

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