People with B1 and B2 visas can now apply for jobs in the US

People with B1 and B2 visas can now apply for jobs in the US

As a result of the mass layoffs at Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon, the tech and startup sector worldwide is experiencing a crisis. There is some good news amid all of this misery and gloom. The United States has declared that those entering the country on a B1 or B2 visa may now submit applications and attend job interviews. The most popular category of visas issued by the US government, these are frequently referred to as B visas.

Details about People with B1 and B2 visas can now apply for jobs in the US

The B2 visa is issued largely for tourists, as opposed to the B1 visa, which is provided mostly for brief business travel. “When non-immigrant workers are laid off, they incorrectly assume that they may not have any other option than to leave the nation within 60 days,” the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) writes in a series of tweets.

This decision was made at a time when many foreign-born employees, including Indians, are being let go by both established and start-up software companies. Non-immigrant employees now receive a 60-day grace period when their job is terminated, which begins the day after the termination.

A non-immigrant worker can take a number of steps to stay in the nation during this grace period, including submitting an application for adjustment of status or a change of non-immigrant status, among others. The worker and his dependents must depart the US within 60 days, though, if nothing is done.

The USCIS’s decision comes months after two American-Indian organisations circulated an online petition pleading with President Biden to increase the H1B visas’ two-month grace period to a year.

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