Singapore Man Sues Woman For $3 Million For wanting to be just friends

Singapore Man Sues Woman For $3 Million For wanting to be just friends

A Singaporean man allegedly sued his girlfriend, according to the Strait Times. After finding that Nora Tan only saw him as a friend, a man by the name of K. Kawshigan filed a $3 million (Rs 24 crore) “mental injury” lawsuit against her.

Details about Singapore Man Sues Woman For $3 Million For wanting to be just friends

They first met in 2016, and as time went on, they grew close. Ms. Tan always saw their relationship as one of friendship even though Mr. Kawshigan felt feelings of love.

When Mr. Kawshigan perceived Ms. Tan as his “closest friend,” while she just considered him as a buddy, the problem started in September 2020.

Mr. Kawshigan decided to put off suing Ms. Tan for emotional harm after she agreed to attend counselling with him.

Ms. Tan acknowledged to the man that the operation caused her “serious discomfort.” Mr. Kawshigan didn’t take it well and threatened “irrevocable” harm to Ms. Tan’s personal and professional lives if she didn’t do as he asked.

Mr. Kawshigan was still unable to comprehend Ms. Tan’s lack of interest in dating him after more than a year and a half of therapy.

After she stopped communicating with him, he filed two lawsuits against her: one for $22,000 in the magistrate’s court for allegedly breaking a promise to mend their relationship, and the other for $3 million in the High Court for allegedly harming his reputation and causing “trauma, depression, and impacts” to his life, according to Strait Times.

The pre-trial hearing for the $3 million High Court claim is scheduled for February 9.

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