Smartphones are causing problems for 88% of married Indian couples

Smartphones are causing problems for 88% of married Indian couples

The debate about the advantages and disadvantages of smartphones is never-ending. On the one hand, the device has connected people who live far apart, while on the other, it has created a gap between people who live together. According to a new study conducted by the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Vivo, 88% of married Indians believe that excessive smartphone use is harming their relationship.

Details about Smartphones are causing problems for 88% of married Indian couples

On Monday, Vivo presented the fourth edition of its ‘Switch Off’ study, titled ‘Impact of Smartphones on Spousal Relationships,’ in collaboration with CyberMedia Research (CMR). The organization surveyed approximately 1000 consumers across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, and Pune for the study. The study, conducted in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, and Pune, focused on the behavioral and psychological alterations in married couples’ relationships caused by excessive usage of smartphone devices.

During the study, 67% of Indian married couples admitted to being addicted to their smartphones even when spending time with their spouse. Meanwhile, 66% of respondents stated that smartphones have harmed their relationships with their spouses.

Almost 70% of people admitted to being angry when their partner interrupts them while they are using their smartphone. In fact, 69% of couples admitted to not paying attention to their spouse while chatting with them. According to the report, 84 percent of respondents want to spend more time with their spouse, agree that in-person engagements are more relaxing, and spend less time doing so. People, on the other hand, see the impact of smartphones and desire to change.

People are receptive to the issues and willing to adjust. 88% of respondents felt that increased smartphone use is harming their connection with their spouse. 90% of people would like to spend more free time with their spouses having meaningful conversations.

Yogendra Sriramula, Head of Brand Strategy at Vivo India, commented on the findings, saying, “The importance of a smartphone in today’s society cannot be overstated. Excessive usage, on the other hand, is something that consumers should be wary about. As a responsible company, we want to emphasize the value of spending time with our loved ones, because it is the actual definition of leisure time.”

“The switch off’ report seeks to create awareness, particularly among married couples, in order to assist them in maintaining a healthy connection with their loved ones while reaping the benefits of technology,” he added.

Even though there are negative consequences of technology and cell phones, the reality that smartphones provide benefits cannot be denied. According to Vivo’s research, smartphones assist 60 percent of individuals in staying connected with loved ones. Furthermore, 59 percent of those polled agreed that smartphones have increased their understanding. In addition, contrary to popular belief, 55 percent of respondents claimed that smartphones assist them to increase their productivity.

So, if people have issues with cell phones yet admit that the gadget is interfering with their mental health or relationship, what do they actually want? People, particularly couples who participated in the study, wanted to see a silver lining.

Smartphones assist in a variety of ways, and given the era of technology, it is impossible for individuals to refrain from using the device entirely. However, controlling addiction and making time for everyone is essential. According to the survey, “89 percent of respondents would like to reduce leisure time spent on smartphones in order to deepen their link with their spouse, while 91% believe spending more leisure time with their spouse will increase their life contentment.”

In short, using smartphones responsibly is required, as is not prioritizing them over your loved ones. Excessive use of anything is bad, and the only way forward is through control and responsible use.

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