Space debris was found to be the mysterious item that washed up on a secluded Australian beach

Space debris was found to be the mysterious item that washed up on a secluded Australian beach

According to the Australian Space Agency, a sizable piece of space junk that washed up on a remote West Australian beach most certainly came from an Indian launch vehicle.

Details on Space debris was found to be the mysterious item that washed up on a secluded Australian beach

The cylinder was discovered earlier in July near Green Head, around 250 kilometers north of Perth. It is roughly 2.5 meters high and partially formed of a woven cloth with a gold color.

The finding sparked theories that it might have been a component of an aeroplane that crashed.

However, the space agency claimed that following a probe, it had come to the conclusion that it was most likely from a third stage of a polar satellite launch vehicle that had been expended.

The Indian Space Research Organisation operates the PSLV, a medium-lift launch vehicle.

The organization has been active lately, and its most recent satellite launch took place successfully on Sunday.

When the debris from WA was discovered, the state’s premier, Roger Cook, said it should live at a nearby museum with the pieces of Skylab, which crashed there in 1979.

Nasa’s first space station launch from the United States was Skylab.

Before exploding and dispersing debris around the Esperance region, it had been orbiting the earth unattended for almost five years.

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