Two cups of coffee cost a couple Rs. 3.67 lakh at Starbucks

Two cups of coffee cost a couple Rs. 3.67 lakh at Starbucks

A US couple was charged Rs 3.67 lakh by Starbucks in Oklahoma for two cups of coffee. At a Starbucks location, Jesse and Deedee O’Dell found that they had been charged $4,456.27 (Rs 3.67 lakh), which included $4,444.44 (Rs 3.66 lakh) in gratuity.

A details about Two cups of coffee cost a couple Rs. 3.67 lakh at Starbucks

The bill wasn’t discovered by the Oklahoma couple until a few days after the occurrence. Deedee attempted to use the same card to make a purchase while she and her children were in a mall, but the transaction was declined.

Jesse then complained to the Starbucks district manager about the entire situation and how they had been charged $4,456.27 for only two cups of coffee; the manager explained that this had occurred due to a network issue.

The American global chain of coffee shops and roastery reserves handed the couple two checks totaling the gratuity amount, but when they attempted to deposit the money in their account, the checks bounced, the pair revealed.

For the past 16 years, the pair has reportedly spent about $10 (Rs 826) per day on coffee, according to FOX 23 news. According to Jesse, “I bought the Iced Americano, and my wife always gets the Venti Caramel frappuccino with the additional shot, and it normally costs between $9 and $10. A second drink might bring the price up to about $10.75.

Jesse and Deedee O’Dell called the customer support number between 30 and 40 times on the day their check bounced before a representative got in touch with them. Since the problem occurred in January, the agent said they would be sending fresh checks, but they have never arrived.

Due to this occurrence, the O’Dell family had to postpone their trip to Thailand, which had been planned but was now out of the question financially. The family had intended to travel to Thailand, the country of DeeDee’s birth, but they were forced to postpone the trip and cancel their non-refundable tickets.

The pair asked everyone to double-check their receipts after reporting the incident to the Tulsa Police Department. The couple is now reluctant to visit Starbucks once more.

A Starbucks official commented on the issue as a whole and noted that the corporation is aware of the possibility of human mistake. They added that the couple has been in contact with the personnel and will shortly receive their money.

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