Woman shared a screenshot by tweeting of creepy messages that she received from a Rapido driver

Woman shared a screenshot by tweeting of creepy messages that she received from a Rapido driver

On social media, a tweet has been stirring up quite a hullabaloo and entirely for the wrong reasons. On Twitter, a lady who goes by the handle Husnpari posted a screenshot of a chat she had with a Rapido driver. She claimed to have provided her pickup location in her tweet. But when he began harassing her on WhatsApp at inopportune times, it was as if her greatest dread had come true.

Details about Woman shared a screenshot by tweeting of creepy messages that she received from a Rapido driver

She took exception at the man’s “creepy” behavior and decided to tweet a screenshot of the exchange to her followers.

Her tweet quickly became popular. Many addressed their worries in the comments section. Others called for the driver of the Rapido to face harsh punishment.

A user added, “All these apps, be it Amazon or Flipkart, Ola or Uber, which lets strangers know your location can be a problem to many.”

Another user also wrote, “it’s so so heartbreaking but what’s worse is that it’s so unsurprising, the way we have to deal w this shit every single day fills me w so much rage,” 

Rapido Care sent her an apology note shortly after the tweet went viral. “Hi, it is extremely disappointing for us to learn about the captain’s lack of professionalism and we are apologetic about the same. This matter will surely be actioned upon on a priority basis. Would you please share your registered mobile number and ride ID via DM?” as the tweet says.

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