Woman Used Matrimonial Site for Salary Research not Groom Hunt

Woman Used Matrimonial Site for Salary Research not Groom Hunt

Each job search must include salary research, and there are numerous specialist websites for this purpose, like LikendIn, Glassdoor, SalaryExpert, Salary.com, and numerous other job portals.

In-depth details about Woman Used Matrimonial Site for Salary Research not Groom Hunt 

However, a woman did neither job searching nor wage research when she compared the pay packages of various organisations on a matchmaking website. But, this unconventional endeavour was successful, and the woman’s original thought is becoming more and more well-liked on social media.

A lady reportedly uses Jeevansathi.com to compare salaries at different companies and obtain well-paying employment rather than to find a mate, according to a LinkedIn post.

“So a buddy told me she is using #jeevansathi.com to see remuneration of other organisations through people’s profiles and then applying there,” remarked Ashveen Bansal on LinkedIn in response to the impressive story.

The post immediately caught the attention of online users, as seen by the roughly 40,000 likes it received. Others expressed their wish to implement the idea, while many complimented the woman for making a great choice. But, several people also found it odd and felt conflicted about it.

Finding out your wage before joining a company is one of the best ideas. Your friend, Ashveen Bansal, is a treasure! Never let her go, said one user.

“We knew there was dating going on on Facebook and other social media sites. Given that this is a novel application of matrimonial websites, if they hadn’t included fictitious incomes to look good in the marriage market, this could actually be a very valuable data point “a different user wrote.

In response to the numerous critical remarks, a third user stated, “Why so many people are spreading negativity about a wonderful concept in the comments section here is beyond me. She might have used it to secure compensation, demonstrating her creative thinking. Not because she is a nasty person or anything. Come on, people, don’t propagate hatred if you can’t think creatively. Who said you a free app couldn’t be used for data search? You should first cease using Google, which is gathering data from all of your personal social profiles, if you believe it to be illegal. Think broad, not deep.

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