18% of startups in India have at least one female founder

18% of startups in India have at least one female founder

According to a survey on India’s startup ecosystem by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) and Zinnov, 18% of businesses had at least one female founder or co-founder.

Details about 18% of startups in India have at least one female founder

The Zinnov-Nasscom India digital start-up landscape study 2022 noted that at least 36 unicorns and potential unicorns in India include at least one female founder or co-founder.

In the Indian start-up ecosystem, women are becoming more prevalent, according to the Nasscom research.

According to the research, women-led start-ups in India raised 17% of all investment agreements between 2019 and 2022.

The ratio of women who founded start-ups across all stages of growth is consistent with their engagement in the ecosystem, suggesting that they have an equal chance of success as their male counterparts. The report stated that this provided “proof of the women’s desire and capacity to contribute to the economic development of the country and the critical necessity for advancing DE&I projects.

In 2022, 39% of Indian start-ups were established in rising regions. This percentage was 34 percent in 2021.

India continues to have the third-largest tech start-up ecosystem in the world, behind the United States and China, with 25,000–27,000 active tech startups.

India added about 1,300 new firms in 2022, and it had the second-highest number of unicorns worldwide.

According to the report, deep tech adoption and innovation are projected to increase among tech companies, particularly in SDG-related fields that call for challenging solutions.

According to the report, Indian start-ups shown resilience in 2022 by changing their business plans and putting more emphasis on operational effectiveness than on layoffs or shutting down operations.

“While the concern around dipping funding is understandable, a deeper analysis of market behaviour and investment trends shows that the start-up ecosystem is not only equipped to survive the slowdown but also continue with a renewed focus on investors and customers in 2023,” the report said in response to concerns about the decline in funding of Indian start-ups.

The Zinnov-Nasscom India tech start-up landscape study 2022 studies and analyses the developments that affected the Indian digital start-up ecosystem in 2022. Additionally, it examines the industries crucial to India’s overall development and how they have been able to maintain interest.

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