6 lakh HDFC Bank customers Data leaked on Dark Web

6 lakh HDFC Bank customers Data leaked on Dark Web

India has seen an increase in cyber fraud instances recently, and there are many examples of people being defrauded of money via SMS or the internet. Recently, it was alleged in a number of stories that 6 lakh HDFC customers’ personal information had been exposed on the dark web. According to a report by Privacy Matters, personal information of 6 lakh persons had been purportedly shared by hackers on a ‘known cybercriminal forum’.

In-depth details about 6 lakh HDFC Bank customers Data leaked on Dark Web

According to the study, the compromised information also contained names, email addresses, physical addresses, and other sensitive financial information. Additionally, it was claimed that hackers impersonated the bank on Twitter and used those identities to reply to user complaints. In response to the article, the bank refuted the allegations of a data leak.

In response to Twitter reports of data leaks, HDFC Bank refuted the allegations. According to the tweet from their official Twitter account, “Hello, we would like to let you know that HDFC Bank has not had any data leaks and that no unauthorised access has been made to our systems. We continue to have faith in our systems. To ensure the highest standards of data security and safety, we continue to monitor bank systems and our ecosystems and approach the issue of our clients’ data security with the utmost seriousness.”

In the name of HDFC bank, several people have reported receiving phishing scams. In response to these accusations, the bank also posted a response on Twitter, advising people not to call suspicious calls requesting their PAN card, KYC update, or any other banking information.

“A bank will never request your PAN information, your OTP, your UPI VPA or MPIN, your customer ID and password, your card number, your ATM PIN, or your CVV. Do not divulge any of your private information to anyone “The service manager at HDFC Bank tweeted in response to a user.

A phishing call or SMS can be received by anyone with a phone and an active SIM card. In most cases, scammers send fake messages impersonating banks and ask people for their personal information such as account details, OTPs, and identification numbers. Such calls and mails should be avoided, and you shouldn’t reply to them. It is advisable to quickly block such numbers so that you won’t get their calls again. Maintaining passwords for your UPI, internet banking, and even mobile phone is another action you can take to increase your security. Also, you have the option to regularly change your passwords. You can also use two-factor authentication for online banking to further secure all of your transactions.

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