A black hole on the loose that can consume 20 million suns

A black hole on the loose that can consume 20 million suns

By the Science Desk of India Today: The emptiness of space is home to a monstrous black hole that is at large. The unseeable object is moving so quickly that it can reach the moon in just 14 minutes. It is classified as a supermassive black hole since it has a mass of around 20 million suns.

In-depth details about a black hole on the loose that can consume 20 million suns

The object was unexpectedly photographed by the Hubble space telescope as it left behind a contrail of brand-new stars that had never been seen before and was twice as wide as our Milky Way galaxy. The approximately 2,000 light-year-long trail of stars left behind by the black hole is most likely the outcome of three enormous black holes playing galactic pool with one another.

“The black hole is moving too quickly for me to stop for a snack. Nothing like it has ever been observed, according to a statement from NASA.

The column that extends back to the parent galaxy has the black hole at one end of it. Experts suggest that the speed of the black hole striking the gas is likely shocking and heating it. Alternatively, radiation from an accretion disc around the black hole may also be responsible.

Scientists believe we are observing a wake, or region, behind the black hole where gas can cool and generate stars. Hence, we are observing star creation that follows the black hole. What we are witnessing is the fallout. We are observing the wake of a black hole, similar to the wake behind a ship “Yale University’s Pieter van Dokkum made a remark.

The item was unintentionally discovered by the researchers while they were searching for globular star clusters in a nearby dwarf galaxy. As soon as we eliminated cosmic rays, we saw that the artefact was still present. “Oh, a cosmic ray hitting the camera detector and generating a linear image artefact,” I thought “said Dokkum.

A subsequent spectroscopy conducted by the scientists at the W. M. Keck Observatories in Hawaii revealed the startling, extraordinarily bright, and unique star trail. Supermassive black holes that were pulled together by the merger of two galaxies are thought to have collided several times, creating the skyrocket trail, according to researchers. Then another galaxy with a supermassive black hole appeared.

“There was an unstable and chaotic arrangement as a result of the three black holes mixing everything up. One of the black holes was ejected from the host galaxy after stealing momentum from the other two black holes “says NASA.

The team wants to use the James Webb Space Telescope to observe the object more closely.

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