According to an OpenAI study, human jobs are at risk and can be replaced by ChatGPT

human jobs are at risk and can be replaced by ChatGPT

The idea of artificial intelligence (AI) has been extensively explored in popular literature. But as AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bing have grown in popularity, a brand-new discussion over whether or not AI may ever completely replace humans has emerged. While some people think AI will eventually take over human professions, others assert that it will never be as creative as a person. A research that identifies the numerous vocations that AI can replace and those that it cannot was recently released by Open AI, the parent company of ChatGPT, Open Research, and the University of Pennsylvania.

In-depth details about according to an OpenAI study, human jobs are at risk and can be replaced by ChatGPT

“GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models” is the title of the published study. The study identifies the potential “exposure” to “large language models” that each employment may have. Jobs that are exposed more frequently run the danger of being replaced. The report also points out that positions requiring scientific knowledge and critical thinking abilities are less likely to be automated than jobs requiring writing and programming abilities. The report also makes the point that high paying jobs are more likely than low paying ones to be replaced by AI.

Writers and authors, coders, court reporters, copy marketers, accountants, and other professions are among those in danger of being replaced by AI. This is the list:

Tax Preparers, Mathematicians, Financial Quantitative Analysts, News Analysts, Journalists, Accountants, Auditors, Writers and Authors, Web and Digital Interface Designers, Administrative Assistants, Proofreaders, Copy Markers, Court Reporters, Simultaneous Captioners.

The report also suggests a few occupations that might be AI-safe. Cooks, bartenders, painters, plumbers, and other trades are examples of these jobs. According to the report, the following jobs have a lower likelihood of being replaced by AI:

Athletes and Sports Competitors, Agricultural Equipment Operators, Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers, Cooks, Cafeteria Attendants, Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers, Slaughterers and Meat Packers, Auto Mechanics, Stonemasons, Cement Masons, Bartenders, Dishwashers, Carpenters, Painters, Plumbers

Sam Altman, the creator of OpenAI, recently discussed the idea of AI taking some human professions in an interview with ABC News. He continued by expressing concern over how soon the transformation may occur. The CEO did add, though, that people had “limitless” imagination and will eventually come up with fresh ideas.

“I believe that over a few generations, humanity has shown that it is remarkably adaptable to significant technological changes. But some of these transformations, he continued, “That is the part I worry about the most if this happens in a single-digit number of years.

Sam Altman further stated that ChatGPT should be viewed as a tool and not as a substitute for actual human interaction. “Human inventiveness is infinite, and we create new occupations. We come up with fresh activities,” the CEO remarked.

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