An AI Chatbot, Gita GPT created by a Google software engineer and inspired by the Bhagavad Gita

Gita GPT created by a Google software engineer and inspired by the Bhagavad Gita

Tech giants like Google and Microsoft released their own AI chatbots after OpenAI made the ChatGPT AI chatbot available to the general public. While Microsoft added ChatGPT-like technology to its Bing search engine, Google unveiled Bard. In fact, start-ups and developers are also attempting to create a similar AI chatbot that is currently gaining popularity, in addition to the major IT companies. Gita GPT is one of the many such chatbots, and it was created by a Google software engineer based in Bengaluru.

Details about an AI Chatbot, Gita GPT created by a Google software engineer and inspired by the Bhagavad Gita

Gita GPT was developed by Sukuru Sai Vineet and is based on the Bhagvad Gita. Vineet was fast to embrace AI and develop the Chat GPT-like programme, which provides all responses in accordance with the Bhagvad Gita. The GPT-3 platform, which derives solutions to your life’s problems directly from the Bhagavad Gita, powers the Gita GPT AI chatbot.

Users can essentially “consult the Gita” on the app regarding their everyday issues. Users can ask queries on the platform, and an AI chatbot will respond by consulting the Bhagavad Gita.

The “revolutionary chatbot” Gita GPT claims to be powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3. The platform contains the phrase, “With Gita GPT, you may easily and interactively get insight and clarity on your life’s decisions.” This also implies that the chatbot mostly provides solutions to difficulties encountered in daily life. But if you ask it a question about Bill Gates or Elon Musk, the platform might find it difficult to respond.

Following ChatGPT’s meteoric rise to fame, Google and Microsoft each announced the introduction of their own AI chatbots. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, revealed the AI chatbot Bard earlier this week and promised that it would be accessible soon. Bard, however, made a factual blunder simply at its first public demo, and everyone criticised Google for the same. After making the mistake, the corporation suffered a loss of about $100 billion. Meanwhile, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella claims that Google’s AI Chabot Bard would face stiff competition from the new Bing search engine, which has been combined with a ChatGPT-like feature called “chat.” Only a small number of users have access to the new Bing, while everyone else is placed on a waiting.

The Chinese e-commerce company, on the other side, revealed to CNBC that it is developing a ChatGPT rival. A company representative claimed that Alibaba is developing and testing a system similar to ChatGPT. A release date was not provided by the company.

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