An Impressive Engineering Marvel Bridge Constructed Over Indus River In Ladakh By Indian Army

Engineering Marvel Bridge Constructed Over Indus River In Ladakh By Indian Army

After a video showed the soldiers building a bridge across the Indus river on Sunday, the Indian Army’s amazing engineering capabilities were brought to light. The South Western Command of the Indian Army posted the video to Twitter under the title “Bridging Challenges – No Terrain or Altitude Insurmoutable.”

A brief about Engineering Marvel Bridge Constructed Over Indus River In Ladakh By Indian Army:

The Sapta Shakti Engineers in Eastern Ladakh conducted the drill.

The construction of the bridge involved mobility exercises and training.

“Bridging Challenges – No Terrain nor Altitude Insurmoutable’. SaptaShaktiEngineers in EasternLadakh carrying out mobility tasks and training. Bridging the mighty #Indus River, enabling movement of both combat and logistic echelons,” tweeted South Western Command of the Indian Army.

As the bridge is completed towards the end of the video, it shows the mechanical launch of heavy metal components into the water body.

After the bridge has been built, army men engaged in teamwork can be observed in the exercise as large trucks pass through the area.

General Manoj Pande, the head of the Indian Army, took a flight in an Apache attack helicopter earlier on Sunday while on a two-day tour to the Ladakh region.

The Army chief visited forward areas during the ongoing disengagement in the vicinity of Patrolling Point 15 in the Gogra Heights Hot Springs area while he was in the Ladakh sector starting on Saturday.

General Pande visited earlier on Saturday and saw the wargames known as Exercise Parvat Prahar. He also received a briefing on operational readiness from commanders on the ground, according to the Indian Army.

He spoke with the soldiers and gave them praise for their professionalism and steadfastness, according to the officials.

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