Average Cost of 1GB of Mobile Data costs $0.09 in India

Average Cost of 1GB of Mobile Data costs $0.09 in India

The most recent infographic from Vancouver-based Visual Capitalist (via Jim Harris) displays the average cost of 1GB of mobile data in every country on the planet.

Details about Average Cost of 1GB of Mobile Data costs $0.09 in India 

When it comes to Canada, Visual Capitalist believes our “high cost for data can be justified by its strong market concentration. According to CRTC data, Bell, Rogers, and Telus accounted for more than 82% of all wireless service revenues in 2018.

The average cost of 1GB of mobile data in Canada is $12.55, with India having the lowest cost at $0.09. Malawi has the highest average cost for 1GB of mobile data, at $27.41.

Data overages are levied at $130/1GB for Telus-owned Koodo users, and $137/1GB for Bell-owned Virgin Plus consumers. These fees apply if you choose to pay for additional data after your plan’s limit has been reached.

Rewheel Research in Finland revealed earlier this year that Canada’s wireless pricing for 20GB data is the most costly in the world. In July, Sweden’s Tefficient claimed that Canada’s mobile data charges were the highest in the world. Notwithstanding these statistics, Canada’s telecom lobby group, the CWTA, claims that download speeds in Canada remain higher than in other nations, including India.

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