Billionaire Family Posts Viral Ad Seeking Live-In Dog Nanny at Rs 1 Crore Salary/Year

Billionaire Family Posts Viral Ad Seeking Live-In Dog Nanny at Rs 1 Crore Salary/Year

A typical task is walking the dogs. In the United States, hiring someone to complete the activity is a frequent practise. Booking a dog sitter to watch over children while the parents are away has become a common habit in recent years, giving workers an enhanced employment title for the same function.

Details on billionaire Family Posts Viral Ad Seeking Live-In Dog Nanny at Rs 1 Crore Salary/Year

When you learn that a US wealthy family with a home in the UK advertised a position for a full-time dog sitter with a pay of $127,227 (more than Rs 1 crore), everything seems reasonable. You did really read that number correctly!

After individuals read the job description’s specifications, which were recently placed on LinkedIn, they were rendered speechless, and the post swiftly gained popularity. “Our returning client is looking for an exceptional and highly experienced Dog Nanny to provide the best care for their two cherished dogs,” it stated. Along with the enormous income offered, they are genuinely searching for a professional at the top of their game who can guarantee the general health, pleasure, and security of their canines.

A consultant for Fairfax and Kensington, a household staffing company retained by the rich family, wrote the advertisement. George Dunn, the recruiter who listed the job online, claims that this is the first occasion the company has done so. He claims that since it was posted last week, there have been about 400 potential applicants.

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