ChatGPT’s designer OpenAI seeks developers to train its AI technology, which will be used to replace entry-level coders

ChatGPT's designer OpenAI seeks developers to train its AI technology

According to a Semafor study, OpenAI has secretly employed hundreds of foreign contractors to instruct its artificial intelligence in software engineering.

The duty of producing data to train AI to understand basic software engineering skills has apparently been assigned to some contractors hired in the last six months from regions including Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Details about ChatGPT’s designer OpenAI seeks developers to train its AI technology, which will be used to replace entry-level coders

Despite the fact that OpenAI already has a product called Codex that can translate natural language into functional code, the company’s hiring binge suggests that it is aiming to develop that technology, maybe producing a viable alternative to certain human coders.

Semafor spoke with a South American engineer who attended an interview for a contractor position with OpenAI. He was responsible with locating errors in the AI code and explaining how to correct them as part of the process. According to the engineer, the business aims to input the training data into its AI system, Semafor reported.

Additionally, ChatGPT, a popular AI chatbot, is owned by OpenAI. The bot has already threatened to affect law, journalism, and education since its introduction in late last year. The next item on the list might be software engineering.

In fact, Insider recently revealed that some Amazon staff members have already begun using ChatGPT to assist with coding, however the business has cautioned staff members against disclosing sensitive company data to the bot.

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