Facebook drains your smartphone’s battery Intentionally says a former meta employee

Facebook drains your smartphone's battery Intentionally says a former meta employee

Recent allegations made by a former Facebook employee suggest that Facebook programmes (including Messenger, which is also produced by parent company Meta) might intentionally and covertly drain a user’s smartphone battery.

A brief about Facebook drains your smartphone’s battery Intentionally says a former meta employee

According to The New York Post, this method is referred to as “negative testing.” Using this technique, large tech corporations can covertly drain a smartphone user’s battery in order to test an app’s functionality or gauge how an image could load.

George Hayward, a former data scientist at Facebook, claims he was fired from the Meta-owned firm because he refused to participate in negative testing.

“The manager responded to my concern that “This could injure someone” by saying that “by hurting a few, we can help the greater majority.” Don’t hurt people, every data scientist worth their salt will know “He informed NYP.

Facebook let Hayward go in November. In the beginning, he had taken the Big Tech behemoth to Manhattan Federal Court. It turns out that the 33-year-old ex-Facebook worker had a direct hand in creating Facebook’s Messenger software, which enables users to text and make audio and video conversations.

According to Hayward’s lawyer, Dan Kaiser, who filed the complaint, smartphone battery loss can put users in danger “in situations where they need to connect with others, including but not limited to police or other rescue professionals.”

According to Phone Arena, Hayward was forced to drop his lawsuit due to the restrictions of his job with Meta and instead present his claim in arbitration. Kaiser claims that most people are unaware that social media behemoths like Facebook can purposefully drain your battery.

Meta initially employed Hayward in 2019. Hayward claimed that when asked to conduct negative testing, “I declined to take this test… It seems that telling your boss “No, that’s unlawful” doesn’t exactly go over well.”

As if all of this weren’t enough, Hayward’s assertions suggest that Meta frequently engages in negative testing. He claims that the business provided him with a training manual titled “How to perform intelligent negative tests.”

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