New Google Chrome version allows users to login without typing passwords

New Google Chrome version allows users to login without typing passwords

Google has introduced passkeys for Chrome users. Google implemented the password-less safe login mechanism into Chrome Stable M108 after a testing stage that began in October. The new passkey capability will work on both desktop and mobile Windows 11, macOS, and Android devices. Furthermore, Google allows users to sync their security key from Android to other devices while using Chrome, either using its own password manager or other approved third-party apps.

A brief about the New Google Chrome version allows users to login without typing passwords

Passkeys is a one-of-a-kind digital identity that can be kept in your devices, such as your computer, phone, or other devices such as a USB security key, to aid in easy and safe access. The passkeys enable users to log in to websites or applications quickly and easily using the device’s biometrics or other security verification.

“You can also utilize a passkey from a nearby mobile device on a desktop device, and because passkeys are built on industry standards, you can use either an Android or an iOS device. When signing in this way, your passkey remains on your mobile device. Only a securely generated code is exchanged with the site, so there is nothing that might be exposed, unlike a password “Google noted in a blog post.

“On Chrome for Android, passkeys are kept in the Google Password Manager, which synchronizes passkeys between the user’s Android devices that are signed into the same Google account,” according to the blog post.

Passkeys are believed to be superior to passwords since they allow users to sign in to apps and websites using a biometric sensor (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition), PIN, or pattern, removing the trouble of memorizing or managing passwords. Furthermore, if the passkeys are set using biometrics, the possibility of passwords being leaked are reduced, making the new technique safer. Unlike SMS or app-based one-time passwords, it provides strong security against phishing assaults.

When a user registers into a Google account, the device or website, like passwords, will ask for the passkey. Users will simply have to use their fingerprint or saved passkeys to authenticate the login. Users will be able to complete the login process by unlocking the device’s screen.

Notably, the notion of passkeys is not new, as several companies, such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, and eBay, are replacing passwords with passkeys to provide password-free sign-in processes on websites or apps that are both more efficient and secure. Furthermore, as this technology is adopted by major tech companies such as Apple and Google, the use of passkeys is claimed to become device-agnostic.

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