Number of pensioners in India is more than number of active government employees

Number of pensioners in India is more than number of active government employees

According to Union Minister of Personnel Jitendra Singh, there are more people receiving pensions from the Central government than there are workers. According to Mr. Singh, there are around 77 lakh more pensioners than there are active duty members (roughly 50–60 lakh).

Details about Number of pensioners in India is more than number of active government employees 

Currently, 6,000–7,000 pensioners fall into the “over 100 years” age category and get pension payments equal to their wage. Moreover, the “90 to 100 years” age group includes almost one lakh retirees. I’m anticipating the day when there are more than a lakh seniors who are beyond 100,” he remarked.

At the 49th pre-retirement counselling workshop, Mr. Singh spoke. He said that the seven-year service requirement for family pension eligibility had been eliminated and that divorced daughters were now eligible. He continued, “The goal is to rid the regulatory regime of the feudal attitude.

Mr. Singh introduced additional services on the “SBI Integrated Portal” as well as the merging of the Canara Bank pensioners portal and the Bhavishya portal. The Central Civil Services Extraordinary Pension Regulations Book, 2023, was also unveiled by him. Extraordinary Pension Regulations, 1939’s updated/simplified version is known as CCS (EOP) Rules.

The government wants to connect all 11.25 lakh retirees to the internet, according to V. Srinivas, Secretary, Pensions & Pensioners’ Welfare. This would make it easier for the department to stay in touch with the elderly and look out for their welfare.

“The job of integrating the SBI and Canara Bank Pension Seva sites with the Bhavishya portal has been finished. Using the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal, retirees can now access their pension slip, the status of their life certificate submission, and Form 16 thanks to this integration. The Integrated Pensioners’ Portal would include all 18 pension-disbursing banks, he said.

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