Railways cancels contracts with the company responsible for the Patna station porno clip

Railways cancels contracts with the company responsible for the Patna station porno clip

The Indian Railways cancelled all contracts with the agency accused of broadcasting the porn clip after hundreds of people were left outraged by it on TV screens at Patna Train Station. They also started the process to blacklist the company.

Details about Railways cancels contracts with the company responsible for the Patna station porno clip

ECR spokesperson Birendra Kumar told India Today that Indian Railways has severed all links and agreements with the organisation accused of showing pornographic material on train displays screens and that legal action has been taken to blacklist the organisation.

Since footage of the incident appeared on social media, two separate FIRs have also been filed against Kolkata-based service provider Dutta Studio. In a press release, the East Central Railway (ECR) told the public about the FIRs that had been filed in reaction to the incident that railway officials had called “shameful.”

Regarding this, one FIR was filed under the IT Act by the GRP and the other by the Railway Protection Force (RPF).

On the other hand, the incident has angered local authorities, who have chosen to intensify the situation. According to authorities, a team from the Government Railway Police (GRP) has been dispatched to West Bengal to look into the event.

Notably, with immediate effect, all TV screens operated by Kolkata-based Dutta Studio have been disconnected from the centralised display system. A team was dispatched to West Bengal to quickly study the matter and bring it to a logical conclusion in conjunction with the investigation that followed the complaint filed by GRP for violating the IT Act. The investigation team will go to the service provider’s office in Kolkata in addition to obtaining and, if necessary, cross-examining pertinent information from other districts. High-ranking GRP sources with knowledge of the situation claim that the possibility of sabotage by a current or former employee has not been completely eliminated. Prior to the end of the ongoing investigation, the sources declined to reveal any more information.

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