The $5 billion turtle-shaped floating city in Saudi Arabia

The $5 billion turtle-shaped floating city in Saudi Arabia

A floating metropolis is a pipe dream realized. The $5 billion terayacht ‘Pangeos’ will soon call Saudi Arabia home.

The new structure is fashioned like a turtle and can house up to 60,000 people. Pangeos, when completed, will be the largest floating structure ever created.

Details on The $5 billion turtle-shaped floating city in Saudi Arabia

On each ‘wing’ of the turtle-shaped tearayacht, there will be 19 villas and 64 flats.

While the interiors of Pangeos have yet to be disclosed, Lazzarini anticipates an $8 billion investment in construction over an eight-year period. Pangeos will also have nine different bows, which will be divided into many blocks.

The bows begin at the port area’s entry and continue to the main square, which extends into a broad terraced villa and then proceeds to private houses, buildings, and rooftop terraces, with an upper shell zone that allows various flying vehicles to land.

The design team shelters 30,000 cells or cluster compartments in the lower level and provides an unsinkable floating solution for the basement, which is envisioned to be primarily constructed in steel. While it is being proposed for Saudi Arabia, Pangeos is intended to sail around the world indefinitely due to its almost limitless green energy supplies.

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