The Cocaine Bear movie review will reveal Who is actually high on cocaine?

The Cocaine Bear movie review will reveal Who is actually high on cocaine

In a national park, a bear stumbles into a stockpile of cocaine. She downs a couple packets, and sure enough, she loses consciousness.

We are presuming that the cocaine is to blame for the sake of the plot, which is based on the essentials of a real-life incident, even though it’s not entirely apparent whether she would have done so without the cocaine in her — and the movie hilariously registers this “truth”. When cocaine meant for the Colombian mafia got lost over the Blood Mountain in Georgia in 1985, a bear who had consumed too much of the white powder found it and perished.

Details about The Cocaine Bear movie review will reveal Who is actually high on cocaine?

The lovely, warm-hearted actress Elizabeth Banks is a long way from that mood in this scene. She and her scriptwriter fill in the possible events that might have happened to that bear in the hours before she, uh, cracked.

There are several characters in this scene that the reel bear is given the opportunity to slaughter, butcher, devour, and otherwise terrorise while high on cocaine. Just look at the wholesome three; it doesn’t matter if Russell’s mom decides to wear a bright pink outfit to the jungle. There are also two spirited children and their mother (Russell), who we know will survive the bloodletting.

A few of the characters are purely comical, while others are both purposefully and accidentally funny. Banks, though, doesn’t dwell on any one feeling for too long, and the movie is just as happy killing cynically as it is highlighting the ridiculousness of some of the killings.

Cocaine Bear clearly aims for that space between the comical idea of a bear falling for it and the grim reality of narcotics. The bear that unintentionally consumes it or the gangster played by Liotta (in one of his final roles) who is risking everything, including his son’s life, in order to recover the millions of dollars that depend on the cocaine lost in the bush, are two other possible candidates for who is really high in this scene, according to Banks.

One has the uneasy impression that the movie could care less, especially when it comes to carelessly injecting the wild animals with cocaine. The only thing to keep in mind is that “Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes, well, he eats you.”

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