YouTube will stop running ‘overlay advertising’ on April 6

YouTube will stop running ‘overlay advertising’ on April 6

Beginning April 6, YouTube’s ‘overlay advertisements’ feature will no longer be available. This action is being made, according the company’s announcement, to enhance the viewing experience. For desktop users, the overlay adverts are a common ad format.

A brief about YouTube will stop running ‘overlay advertising’ on April 6

The business said in a post to the YouTube Help Forum that the ‘Overlay advertising’ ad style would stop running on YouTube as of April 6 in order to enhance the viewer experience and move interaction to better-performing ad formats on desktop and mobile devices.

‘Overlay advertising’ what are they?

These are old-style advertisements that only desktop users see. These commercials show up as pop-up cards at the bottom or top of the video. The “X” icon located at the top of these advertisements allows viewers to delete them.

These advertisements send users to an external page when they click on them.

Onlookers’ user experiences are not anticipated to be significantly impacted by the adjustment.

The business stated: “These ads are only seen on desktop, and we expect to see a limited impact for most Creators as engagement moves to other ad types.

The majority of users have reportedly switched to other types of adverts on YouTube.

What additional ad formats are there on YouTube?

Display ads: On desktops and mobile devices alike, these advertisements are displayed to the right of the featured video and above the list of suggested videos. The video feed is not hampered by them.

These adverts can be skipped and appear either before or during the main video. They are skippable after five seconds.

Non-skippable video ads: Before the main video, you must view all of these ads. They often last between 15 and 30 seconds.

Bumper ads: They run for an average of about 6 seconds and cannot be skipped.

Sponsored cards: During the video, these advertisements show promoted goods on the screen.

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